Mise-en-scene: The audience is presented with a black cat, sauntering through what looks like construction yard, the black cat represents mystery, and its confident strut keeps the audience guessing its motive and use. The cat wanders through a concrete tube, where it is partially hidden, making the cat seem more important that needing to be constantly on the camera, it then continues to weave through fences showing the audience that it can pass through any barrier, and is not bound by them what-so-ever giving it a rebellious streak, and creating more mystery. Thus in turn creating a element of suspense. Then cat is eventually met by a white cat, and this ends up in a clash, the opposing colors create a sense of binary opposition, and a basic struggle against good and evil iconic in the thriller genre.

Titles: The titles appear in standard serif font, and also capitalized. The black titles clashing against the white background, shows binary opposition.

Editing: The camera tracks the cat majority of the scene, and the pace of the sequence is slow paced. But this pace eventually speeds up when the fight sequence starts. And the panning stops, and transforms into close up shots of the cat's in fight.

Sound: A smooth non diegetic soundtrack is heard throughout the whole of the extract, the interchanging types of music interact with the scene as a whole, but gives it a light but slick theme. The music does intensify into fast passed tension building styles, when the fight scene commences.

Camera: The cat is majority of the time, in constant close up shots throughout the tracking, the camera is slightly tilted in some shots, giving the cat a stronger presence, and authority. And empowerment. The cat is shown in a birds eye view, and extreme close ups are evident when the fight scene is in progress, to give it more messiness and confusion.


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