initial ideas

In a group, we began with our brainstorm of ideas, pulling various plots ad characters out, and writing them down. This quickly developed into a full scale discussion, with opposing points and growing ideas, our ideas started with the scenario of a horror thriller, then escalated further into a child kidnapping idea, promoted with a group agreement, with both decided this would generate alot of tension and could be a good baseline for a thriller genre, prompted with the idea of a sereal view, and a slight fight scene, thus what we see from the opening fight scene in he film Watchmen, i felt would be a great piece of cinematography and could work great. Decided on the Watchmen fight idea, we extended our idea further to use the type of cinematography and sound within the kidnapping of the child. Although this of course would not fill the 5 minutes worth of film, so defiant on our initial part, we ended up with our ending, this would focus heavily on Mise-en-scene.

Throwing ideas around, we had ideas such as the showing the child captured in a chair, the moving to him surrounded in oil, with a black and white scene, then a cigarette slowly flicking onto the oil and lighting up the young child, of course this would not be a practical idea and would give a horrific meaning especially with a child, undecided with this idea, we began to think of more ideas, one that really worked was to show the end of the fight scene, at the end of the opening. This would be the child initially listening to a ipod, what would introduce a light hearted type of music, with a dark theme, giving it a abstract and Eire feel like the Watchmen fight film did. So with the Ipod added to the introduction, we drafted the idea, of the ipod slowly falling, and collapsing on the floor, and slowly die out the music. We then conjured rain drops to slowly fall on the ipod, then decided to give it a cracked screen, to show the broken life this event has created, and broken can also suggest death and harm, suggesting that the child has been harmed or even killed. And with broken ipod shown, instead of the kid being hauled away, we really could suggest mystery within the scene.

With the ending and beginning established we had to work on ideas for the middle, we were all decided on working on a before and after scenario to sum up everything, a little like the opening scene to watchmen, so with this in mind we really wanted to show our audience the effect the kidnapping was showing in the future. This would only require say three or four scenes, this would give us allowance to make up time, and sort of explain the story more. So we needed to come up with scenes to put in the middle. alot Initially we thought of the police hype around the situation, and this immediately made us think of Madeline mccane and Sharon Matthew's, with all the hype and parents pleading for her children, we decided on a dim lit police interrogation room, with a mother figure in the light of a roof light, saying something along the lines of "i just want my kid back" This would give a sense of tension and grief very big factors in the thriller genre. The darkness could also establish the dark theme further. Other ideas we had were. Police searching for remains of the kids clothing with flash lights. Kid at school wondering were the boy was. The family at dinner in complete silence with a empty plate, and the father figure bursting out into anger, unable to deal with the in-balance in the family, creating allot of tension pulling back to the thriller genre. Others ideas included.. Posters with a missing child plead. Locations of found clothing, like warehouses, fields and the likes.

Now we got our ideas together, we had to work on finalizing them and creating a storyboard.
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