Analysis on the opening of the birds.
The Birds. Directed by Alfred Hithcock. 1963
The extract begins with a heavy sense of Binary opposition, the silhouetted birds, tearing vigorously across the screen. Instantly creates a uncomfortable feeling building tension at the start. Th binary oppositions shows the birds in darkness, and creates their mood as a evil and mysterious essence. The Background is a simple cold blue, but gives additional uncomfortable feeling, due to the coldness personified by the cold and uncomfortable look of the background. Simple text sans serif appears in the title sequence commonly used in Thirllers.
Digectic squawking of the crows is heard during the sequence. The high pitched and numerous screams of the birds, create a colossal amount of tension, and continue to build the uncomfortable feeling, along with the frantic flapping of the birds, a sense of panic is given to the title sequence.
A commonly linked Thriller editing process, a fade. Moves the sequence unto a establishing shot of a women. The way she is established tells that she may be a main character, due to her being panned and centralized by the camera, creating audience Familiarization and connection. A P.O.V shot of her looking up at the large gathering of birds, creates tension and shows something is brewing, further on the camera shot showing her against insignificantly against a large city building, shows her as a weak character against the landscape of the city, and just a regular citizen.
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